Wednesday, 9 October 2019

How to Develop a School Bus Tracking Software?

Everything is secondary to the parent other than the safety of their children. How would it be if parents get a chance to know their children’s location in real-time? Wouldn’t it be awesome if they can know the exact location of their child, delay of the bus, ETA or notifications in terms of emergency?

Anything’s possible with the advancements in technology. With tools such as mobile apps, GPS, Internet technologies and so on, tracking a school bus is a walk in the park. There’s a growing demand for school bus tracking software.
Developing a school bus tracking software is an easy way to drive revenue and to help parents to lead a worry-free life. Some of the features you should include in your bus tracking software are as follows,
  • Live tracking
  • Communication
  • Pick up and drop off alerts
  • Entry and exit alerts
  • Proximity alert
  • Offline access
Make sure to get your software from the right technology partner in the field. 

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